Renowned Horseman, Martin Black and Dr. Stephen Peters, Neuroscientist will conduct Educational Seminars throughout the year based on the book Evidence-Based Horsemanship. These Educational Seminars are designed to give Equine Enthusiasts of all disciplines a unique learning experience that is valid for all horses and any breed. Evidence-Based Horsemanship combines science and the understanding of brain function with an empirical understanding of the subtleties of a horse’s behaviors, reactions, and chemical states. This is an excellent opportunity to explore and deepen your understanding of horses from two distinguished professionals with decades of experience in their respective fields.
These Educational Seminars are an interactive learning approach which will combine science and empirical observation through classroom, multi-media presentations, discussion, demonstration and observations of horses, and horse brain dissection.
October 2-5 Colt Starting and Evidence Based Horsemanship Clinic, Shinanatu Farm, Brunswick, Maine contact: Kim Stone shinanatu@yahoo.com

“The Director’s Cut” – October 26th
October’s EBH virtual clinic will consist of a discussion/presentation of those topics which Martin and Dr. Peters feel are among the most important key components of EBH.
They will illustrate their discussion with hand picked film clips and many never before seen images from the vast collection of Kim Stone, who has spent years capturing pictures to document EBH.
This is your opportunity to sit in with the founder’s of EBH for their intimate discussion and presentation of what they have collected from their study and observation over the years and have chosen to be what they feel strongest about sharing.
October EBH webinar, “The Director’s Cut”
Please join us for an amazing informative 2 hours with Dr. Steve Peters and Martin Black! Have your notebook handy. You will have access to rewatch this webinar for a limited time if you pre-purchase a ticket to this event.
Learn more or register here.

See how Martin and Steve met: